Your Daily Equipment
The Academy will provide you with:
- Textbooks
- Exercise Books
- A Student Timetable and Lanyard
You will need to provide a suitable bag, large enough for an A4 folder AND pencil case containing:
- 2 Black Pens
- 2 Green Pens
- 2 Pencils
- 1 Pencil Sharpener
- 1 Ruler
- 1 Rubber
Equipment checks will be made daily by your form tutor in prep time.
Sanctions such as a teacher detention will be enforced if you forget your equipment.
Uniform Introduction
Here at Wingfield Academy we have established a culture of high expectations for students, a strategy which has helped strengthen outcomes for learners. Our high expectations filter through to all aspects of academy life, including uniform. The academy attaches great importance to appropriate dress. It helps to establish a feeling of community, sense of belonging and develops the personal presentation skills of our students. Uniform is therefore not an option it is a necessity. We expect all students to wear our uniform with pride. Whenever students are wearing the academy uniform, they are representing the academy, whether inside or outside of the academy.
In the first instance, if an item of academy uniform is damaged or missing, then the academy will provide a temporary replacement. In terms of missing lanyards, students will be provided with a new lanyard to keep. This will be charged to parent pay for purchase. Failing this, a student could be sent home to rectify the issue or placed in the consequence room. Students who repeatedly arrive with incorrect uniform will be sanctioned. The Headteacher will make the final decision of whether items of uniform are acceptable. If you are unsure whether or not certain items of uniform meet our uniform requirements, please check with the academy before you purchase them. All instances of missing or incorrect uniform will automatically be set a 30-minute after school detention.
There are certain items of our uniform that can only be bought from specific providers. These items include:
- Academy Tie (also available via ParentPay
- Academy jumper with logo
- Academy PE kit
These items are available to be purchased from our external suppliers:
- Johnny D Schoolwear: purchases can be made online at
- Pinders Schoolwear: purchases can be made from their two shops based in Rotherham or online at
The Academy Uniform
Jumpers: Students must wear jumpers at all times when they are inside the school building. Students may remove their jumpers when in a lesson but they must be put back on before leaving the classroom.
In the summer term, students are not required to wear an academy jumper.
Footwear: Students are expected to wear black shoes which do not display any logos or tags. Only formal plain black, flat shoes with a solid sole are permitted as part of the academy uniform. Trainers (or shoes which are similar in appearance to trainers e.g. Kickers Tovni style shoes), boots, pumps or sandals are not permitted under the academy’s uniform policy.
Examples of shoes which are permitted under the policy are shown below, alongside examples of footwear that is in breach of the academy’s uniform policy and will be challenged.
Acceptable footwear:

Unacceptable footwear:

Uniform Expectations 2022-2023 – Wingfield Academy v4
Trousers: Trousers must be tailored, plain black with no pattern or zips. Black ankle- length socks must be worn with all trousers. Trousers must not have any studs, chains, visible zips or tassels attached and should not be tight fitting at the ankle.

The following trousers are not acceptable:
- Combat trousers
- Jeans or chinos
- Slim fit or skinny trousers Leggings
Skirts: Skirts are not permitted under the academy’s uniform policy.
Belts: If a belt is worn, it must be plain black with no patterns or indentations (no other colour or part colour is acceptable) aside from the buckle. The belt must be made from leather or a similar leather look material. The buckle must be basic, look professional and display no logo.
Shirts: Shirts must be completely white with a collar. Logos on shirts are not permitted. The top button must be present and fastened at all times. Shirts must be tucked into trousers. Sleeves on shirts and jumpers must always be rolled down whilst walking around the academy. Any item of clothing worn underneath the shirt must not be visible through the shirt.
Socks: Socks must be plain black and must go above the ankle.
Lanyard and Timetables: The lanyard must be worn at all times in school around the neck. It should clearly be displayed and not be tucked in a student’s jumper. The lanyard needs to be worn at the correct length and not be worn with knots in it. If any part of the lanyard or timetable is damaged or defaced students will be required to purchase a new item immediately (via ParentPay).
Ties: Students must wear an academy clip on tie at all times. This must be clipped onto the top button of the student’s shirt, which must be fastened.
Outdoor Coats/Clothing: Coats or Jackets of any type must not be worn inside the academy building. Jumpers with brand logos are not permitted in place of the academy school jumper and must not be worn in the school building.
Bags: The academy expects all students to bring a bag to the academy every day. Students should have a bag which is big enough to carry their writing equipment as well as their PE Kit and any ingredients needed for cooking. From time to time, they may also be required to carry some exercise books. Clutch bags and man bags are not permitted as they are not sufficiently big enough to carry all required items. Only backpacks are considered suitable.

PE Kit
The PE kit at Wingfield Academy consists of;
Uniform Expectations 2022-2023 – Wingfield Academy v4
- Wingfield branded polo shirt
- Wingfield branded shorts or Wingfield branded leggings or Wingfield branded jogging bottoms
- OR plain black leggings (no logos or visible embellishments) or plain black jogging bottoms (no logos or visible embellishments)
- Wingfield branded hoodie (optional for colder weather)
- Plain black socks
Please note we WILL NOT accept any variation of the above. This includes:
- Non-Wingfield branded polo shirts, shorts or leggings
- Cycling shorts

General Appearance Expectations
Hair: Hair needs to be smart and conservative. Extreme hair colours are not permitted (only natural looking colours are allowed). Extreme hair styles and/or shaved lines/patterns, are also not permitted for any student. Students will be asked to rectify these issues as soon as possible and parents/carers will be contacted. If the issue cannot be rectified, the student will be placed in the consequence room until the hair meets academy expectations.
Make Up: Make up is not permitted to be worn by students in Y7 & Y8. Students in these year groups found to be wearing make up will be expected to remove this using a make up wipe. Failure to do so will result in time spent in the Consequence Room. Students in Y9, Y10 & Y11 are permitted to wear make up which must be minimal and discreet (looking entirely natural). Heavy make up which is not natural in appearance will be asked to be removed, including eye shadow, false eyelashes, heavy mascara, heavy eyebrows, and brightly coloured lipstick.
Accessories: The following are acceptable:
- Hair bobble (must be black)
- A headband can be worn provided it is black
- Hairclips (must be black).
The following are not permitted:
- False nails (including coloured or French polish)
- Painted nails – only clear nail polish is permitted
- Bandanas – this includes wearing them as a hairband
- Caps or hats
Jewellery: The only items of jewellery permitted to be worn are one pair of earrings that are no bigger than a 5p coin, one signet ring and a watch.
Facial piercings are not permitted (including the use of clear retainers for facial piercings).
Tattoos: It is illegal to tattoo young people under the age of 18 under UK law. Even with parental consent, in the UK it is illegal for anyone to have a tattoo under the age of 18. If seen by the school, it can be classed as neglect and/or abuse by parents/carers. The designated lead for safeguarding will contact Rotherham Social Care and pass on parental/carer details and share concerns.
Basic Equipment Expectations
Students are expected to attend every lesson with the following equipment as a minimum;
- Clear pencil case
- 2 x black pens
- 2 x green pens
- Pencil
- Ruler
- Scientific Calculator (Casio fx 83-GT CW)
- Day book (Reading book – Y7/Y8 Students)
Form tutors will check equipment on a daily basis. Students without the necessary equipment will be challenged about this.
The Academy is unable to accept responsibility for valuable items, including expensive outdoor coats, which are brought into the academy. Equipment such as personal stereos and mobile telephones should be kept at home.
The Academy also accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage to any items left in the academy bike shed, where items should be locked at all times.
Money, calculators and watches should be kept about the person at all times, except when given to a member of staff for safekeeping, e.g. in PE lessons.